2 for 1
Evidently, it’s gift giving season, or so I’m reminded by the relentless holiday commercials. I don’t know what’s worse, the political ads or the ad nauseam marketing that suggests a new car wrapped in a bow or a diamond necklace will bring lasting joy. Read the collective room; Scrooge and I have our doubts.
If you really want to give a gift that keeps on giving, have I got a deal for you. As far as I can tell, this is the BIGGEST and BEST offer available, but you must act fast! There is no expiration date, it’s a universal one-size-fits-all, AND, it’s a gift for both the giver and receiver. Most importantly, it’s FREE!
Shovel your neighbor’s driveway – exercise for you and relief for them.
Text a new mom and offer to come over for an hour so she can shower, nap, take a walk – you are rocking a baby and momma is getting a much needed break.
Ride with a teenager who just got his driver’s permit – it will strengthen your heart and he will accumulate hours toward his license.
Go to the grocery store for an elderly neighbor – you were going anyway and they will be grateful.
Call a friend – we are better together.
Volunteer – the experience of giving to others is such a gift to both you and them.
Read to littles at the library – you will be surrounded by giggles and wiggles and they will learn the magic of storytelling.
Listen to a budding musician – you will be amazed at their progress and they will appreciate having an audience.
Watch sports with the males in your family – you will get to spend quality time with them, and they will cherish the opportunity to answer every question you ever had about the game. (Sarcasm included.)
I’m sure I’ve forgotten something but at least we have our Christmas list started.