It’s been a minute since I published my last blog, actually six months, but who’s counting?
As most of you know, I had a stint in the big house in June (hospital, not prison), and it’s taken a bit to regain my mojo. Six months is a long time, but it has been time well spent. During those 180 days, I evaluated my priorities and made some life-changing decisions.
After eight years of leading guided meditation walks at the Denver Botanic Garden, I resigned, kind of. They have an annex much closer to my house, and I’m going to do a four-week children’s meditation series there in June. That excites me. Driving downtown Denver at 5pm eleven months a year for eight years, not so much.
My private grief counseling practice is going well, however, I had to make some adjustments there, too. For a while, I was available 8 hours a day, 5 days a week – no time for fun or frolicking. (I’m not sure I actually frolic but I like the sound of it!) It was obvious another adjustment was needed. I now schedule clients Tuesday through Thursday. The schedule change makes for a busy few days, but it also allows for time to do the things I enjoy with family and friends.
This blog even became a source of stress. I started writing it 4 years ago just because I love creative writing and it was fun. Eventually, I made it a task that would weigh heavy on my mind if I didn’t have a topic to share every Friday. Keep in mind, I wasn’t getting paid to write and it was something I wanted to do, not had to do. So here’s the deal going forward: If I have something to say, I will. Otherwise, as my friend, Helen, would say, “Keep calm and carry on.”
I could go on but I’m sure you get the picture. As I have a tendency to do, I realized I had taken things I used to do for pleasure and made them tasks I dreaded. I’m good at that! I also recognized I was feeling pressure to do things no one else was expecting but me. Been there? Done that?
I’m not a resolution person but there are a few things that excite me about 2025:
Clean slate Fresh start More time to frolic.