Category: Uncategorized


I tried to watch the debate this week. I made it to the first break. By that time, I was so disgusted by the behavior, rudeness, and disregard for common courtesy, I turned off the television and spent time praying. I want to be an informed voter. I want to understand the issues. I want …


I’m thrilled with the newfound popularity of e-bikes; it’s great seeing my generation enjoying the great outdoors. That said, some riders must not have learned the cycling rules of the road when they were younger: When passing another cyclist, runner, or walker, it is customary and courteous to announce, “On your left” or “On your …


Breathing is a natural instinct each of us performs approximately 22,000 times a day (according to Ms. Google). It’s also something we rarely think about; it’s just part of living. For some time now, I’ve been acutely aware of breathing. During grief counseling sessions, I observe how clients are breathing. Are their breaths deep and …


I’ve been a runner for 30+ years. I still remember the thrill of running a mile without stopping. And then I ran three…five…thirteen, and 782 miles in 18 weeks training for a marathon. Running has included breathtaking sunrises, a frozen field that looked like sparkling diamonds, a mare giving birth to a foal right before …


What is it about an election that brings out the nasty in some people? There doesn’t seem to be another occasion that results in as much venom and vitriol, regardless of what party one supports. It is mind boggling to see and hear perfectly lovely people become rabid with contempt for a particular person or …


There is a wildfire burning a few miles from my house. I’m not in immediate danger but when a friend suggested packing a bag “just in case,” I did. It was an interesting exercise in priorities and possessions. Here are the things I packed in one overnight bag: My grandmother’s rosaryMy Bible in a Year …


If we are fortunate to live a long life, it is inevitable that tough decisions will have to be made. Deciding if and when to retire requires some serious deliberation and a crystal ball. Do you take early retirement and forego an increase in Social Security? Do you keep working past your expiration date to …