Category: Uncategorized


Some people say trust is earned; others think trust is unconditional until proven otherwise. Either way, it’s a risky proposition: We trust oncoming traffic will stay in their lane.We trust drivers will stop at a red light.We trust the doctor knows what’s wrong.We trust the medicine will cure us.We trust the kids are safe at …


I find it interesting how often infancy and adulthood mirror each other. If you’ve survived the experience of an infant that doesn’t sleep through the night or nap during the day, you know the feeling when, as an adult, sleep escapes you. As the parent of a nocturnal munchkin, you can probably recall going through …


It’s been a minute since I published my last blog, actually six months, but who’s counting? As most of you know, I had a stint in the big house in June (hospital, not prison), and it’s taken a bit to regain my mojo. Six months is a long time, but it has been time well …


I tried to watch the debate this week. I made it to the first break. By that time, I was so disgusted by the behavior, rudeness, and disregard for common courtesy, I turned off the television and spent time praying. I want to be an informed voter. I want to understand the issues. I want …


I’m thrilled with the newfound popularity of e-bikes; it’s great seeing my generation enjoying the great outdoors. That said, some riders must not have learned the cycling rules of the road when they were younger: When passing another cyclist, runner, or walker, it is customary and courteous to announce, “On your left” or “On your …


Breathing is a natural instinct each of us performs approximately 22,000 times a day (according to Ms. Google). It’s also something we rarely think about; it’s just part of living. For some time now, I’ve been acutely aware of breathing. During grief counseling sessions, I observe how clients are breathing. Are their breaths deep and …