Category: Uncategorized

Thank You

A few months ago, a patient’s mother sent me a beautiful composition she had written about the time we spent together during her son’s illness. It brought me to tears. It’s not that I said anything profound, but to her, it was meaningful. I am honored and grateful she shared her memories with me.   …


Have you ever been wrong? I mean 100% certifiably incorrect. I found myself in that position recently. For years (like decades), I thought ameliorate meant to wipe out. In reality, ameliorate means to make better. This revelation came as quite a surprise. If you are a lover of words like me, imagine my shock when …


I am blessed to have a mom that always knows exactly what to say: “If you don’t tell me when something’s wrong, how will I know what to pray for?” “I don’t have a favorite child; all seven of you are my favorites.” “Cindy, Denise, Gary…whoever you are, quit doing that.” “Just think what he’d …


I once thought turning 21 was an automatic entry into adulthood. The clock strikes 12, the 21st birthday arrives, and adulting commences. Now that I have myriad decades of experience to draw from, I now know adulting is cyclical: Leaving for college – quasi-adultingInvesting in college – adulting Vacationing without your parents – adultingVacationing with …

Give It Up

The word surrender has gotten a bad rap. I think a lot of people hear the word surrender and envision waving a white flag and conceding defeat. The battle is over. There is a definite winner and loser. Visions of fight or flight come to mind. However, that’s only one definition. A kinder, gentler version …

Size Matters

Recently, a friend was purging her wardrobe and invited me to choose whatever I liked from her discard pile. As we approached her closet, she asked innocently, “What size are you?” That very innocuous question stopped me in my tracks. Over the years, I’ve been a size 6, a size 12, and everything in between. …

Driving 101

Why the aversion to using a blinker? Were you absent the day proper blinker usage was taught in drivers ed? Did the car salesman fail to point out the location of the blinker? Do you lack the strength to push the blinker up or down? (If so, bicep curls may be in order.) Have you …