Choose Joy
For a very long time, I thought happiness and joy were synonymous. I was wrong. A quick google search explained the difference. “Happiness is ephemeral and temporary. Joy is an emotion.”
Happiness depends. It depends on circumstances, accomplishments, successes, things. When you get the promotion, you will be happy. When you get a new car, you will be happy. When the kids leave home, you will be happy. Happiness is extrinsic, it depends.
Joy is an emotion you feel deep in your soul, it’s intrinsic. Joy is the present moment. Happiness may bring pleasure, but joy brings true contentment to the heart. When I teach kiddos how to meditate it makes me happy; knowing they are learning skills that will help them focus and be peace-filled brings me joy. When my gbabes want to go thrifting, it makes me happy. Spending time with them brings me joy.
Happiness will come and go. Joy is a peace and contentment that comes from the heart and settles in the soul. Choose joy.