Father’s Day
I know a lot of really good dads. My grandsons are blessed with a wonderful dad. My brother-in-law is a fantastic father. My nephews and nephews-in-law are outstanding dads, and I have male friends who model exceptional parenting skills. I know it’s not easy, but they sure make it look like it is.
I guess being a good dad is similar to being a good mom – lots of on-the-job training without an instruction manual (as if they would read it 😊). I think the difference is that dads don’t always get the recognition they deserve. Nor do single moms who fill in for absentee dads.
The role models I admire share many of the same qualities:
Strong, faith-filled men who aren’t embarrassed to say, “I love you.”
Honest, humble men who aren’t too proud to say, “I’m sorry.”
Hard working men who also make time for fun. I’m reminded of one such dad who lived by the motto: Work hard, Play harder.
Kind, caring men who parent their bonus children just like their biological children.
Patient, compassionate men who are slow to anger and quick to forgive.
Some people won the lottery when it comes to dads, and for that you can thank your lucky stars, and your dad!