
What is it about an election that brings out the nasty in some people? There doesn’t seem to be another occasion that results in as much venom and vitriol, regardless of what party one supports. It is mind boggling to see and hear perfectly lovely people become rabid with contempt for a particular person or persons based on their political affiliation.

I think the media plays a significant role in this dilemma. Sound bytes are edited to create a message that may, or may not, accurately represent the speaker’s intent. Photographs are taken at just the right moment that depict candidates at their very worst…and then the picture is circulated throughout the land as a representation of some enraged, deranged person.

I believe those running for office also contribute to the milieu. Why, when someone is standing before a microphone, do they feel the need to yell? Yelling is disturbing to me. In case no one has explained, microphones amplify a speaker’s voice – no yelling required.

I love that people are passionate about politics. I want to hear both sides of the debate, and when people send me articles about a particular issue, I read them. In order to fulfill my civic duty, and maintain what’s left of my sanity, I’ve made the following decisions:

I will not read anything about politics on social media,
If you are yelling, I will mute you,
I will find unbiased, factual sources to educate myself about the issues (seems like an oxymoron but I’m hopeful),
I will still love you no matter who you vote for.