
I tried to watch the debate this week. I made it to the first break. By that time, I was so disgusted by the behavior, rudeness, and disregard for common courtesy, I turned off the television and spent time praying.

I want to be an informed voter. I want to understand the issues. I want to make an educated decision. I also want truth, fairness and decency. Is that too much to ask? I am searching for resources that will present information without bias. It’s so discouraging to fact check a statement from one source then see it disputed on another. Where is the truth? If you know of a reliable, unbiased, factual resource, please let me know.

I will never, ever run for public office but I would love the chance to moderate a debate. My suggestion would be rather than muting the microphones, tasers would be used when speakers do not honor the agreed upon time limits. Now that’s something that would be worth watching!