Excuse Me
Be forewarned, I’m about to climb up on my soapbox and disclose some unpleasantness. My intent is not to judge or offend. I am merely sharing my observations in hopes of encouraging everyone to do better, myself included.
I am befuddled by the lack of politeness in today’s society. What happened to common courtesy? When did people stop saying “Excuse me” when they pass in front of another person or bump into someone? When did thank you notes become obsolete? And if writing a note isn’t possible (?), could you at least text me so I know you received the gift?
Unless you’re at the doctor’s office and asked to “open wide,” no one wants to see your tonsils when you yawn. And speaking of, didn’t your parents teach you not to talk with your mouth full? Above all else, please, please, cover your sneeze!
I know I sound like a crabby crone and, honestly, I don’t care. Then again, maybe that’s the point – people don’t seem to care. It used to be customary to thank someone who bestowed a compliment. There was also a time when business owners would thank customers for their patronage. When people ask favors or make a request, isn’t it polite to acknowledge it when the favor or request is delivered?
I’m afraid the pandemic has resulted in a rudeness epidemic. Maybe people spent so much time alone, they’ve forgotten the basics: “Please, thank you, you’re welcome, I appreciate you….” I’m hoping this epidemic won’t last long or require a vaccine.