I was recently visited by 3 great-nieces and 2 great-nephews and boy did we have fun. Elf on the Shelf appeared out of nowhere, skiing and ice skating ensued, we played the rhyming game on our road trip, and we had a scavenger hunt on our hike. They found everything on their lists but the elephant and giraffe 😊. When I was telling the littles how much fun I had during their visit, one of them asked, “What do you do for fun when we’re not here?” Out of the mouths of babes.
What is it about adulthood that results in a loss of child-like fun? I read somewhere that kids laugh approximately 300 times a day; adults laugh 17.5 times (personally, I think that’s a bit optimistic). Adulting can definitely be a buzz kill sometimes but I’m sure there is fun to be had if we just look for it.
I think who we spend time with influences our fun quotient. I have a group of friends who bring humor and levity on the daily. Their texts include copious emojis and memes to further emphasize their hilarity. I’m also blessed with friends who share my love of all things irreverent and sarcastic…can you imagine? These are the friends you cherish yet know better than to sit next to at a solemn event or in a class in grad school.
As I was thinking about the question, I found it hard to identify things that I did just for fun. I like to exercise but there are ulterior motives associated with those activities. I enjoy reading, but I have a tendency to choose books that are educational/inspirational. I’m not much of a movie-goer or tv watcher unless it’s football. That said, sometimes watching certain football teams can be more frustrating than fun. Travel used to be fun, but the airlines have managed to take the fun out of Christmas, literally.
When it comes down to it, music, blogging, and spending time with family and friends are my favorite funs. I love all kinds of music, and although I can’t sing or play a musical instrument, I have great appreciation for those that do. Music is also associated with family and friends. Denver is home of the iconic Red Rocks Amphitheatre and going to shows there is fun personified (especially if I’m accompanied by my children and/or my music-loving friends).
Writing this blog is also fun. Honestly, I write it because I enjoy creative writing. I don’t care if anyone reads it, shares it, comments on it, or if it rivals Maria Shriver’s weekly newsletter. Not all of my blogs are light-hearted, but I find the exercise of creating the blog to be cathartic and fun. I’ve even been known to laugh at my own hilarious wit and wisdom.
So far, I have fun planned in January and February. I plan to make it a monthly occurrence. Kindred fun-seekers are welcome to join me.