Go Outside and Play
Growing up with 6 siblings, ‘Go outside and play‘ was a frequent directive. Our house was on a court that included 17 other homes and about 40+ kids to keep each other entertained. Nothing says ‘Catholic community’ like the average family size being at least 4 kids per household. There was always someone to ride bikes with behind the mosquito fogger truck, play baseball with, or initiate a game of hide-n-seek after dark.
As an adult, I’ve gained an even greater appreciation for the outdoors. Hiking, biking, and running are great chances to go outside and play. One of my favorite activities is to run through leaves that have fallen on the sidewalk. There’s just something about that sound that takes me back to my childhood.
As much as I love all the physical activities, my absolute favorite thing to do this time of year is leaf peeping. The fall foliage in Colorado is spectacular. The colors are vibrant and varied. It’s as if someone spray-painted leaves with the brightest colors possible. Sugar maples are crimson red, the Aspens are golden, and the Sumacs are a kaleidoscope of neon red, orange, and yellow. A drive around town or up to the mountains is one of the most beautiful experiences of the year. My only disappointment is that the season is short, and an ill-timed storm or high winds can bring the experience to an abrupt halt. Thank goodness there’s always next year.
Wherever you live, go outside and play. Walk around your neighborhood, hike a trail, or take a road trip before the leaves drop. I promise, nature will not disappoint.