Why is it so hard to ask for help? Do we really think we can have it all, do it all, and be all that without a little help? Come on now!
I don’t think we were meant to be a one-man band. It takes 50-80 musical instruments to create a symphony. There are 55 members of each NFL team (not to mention coaches, trainers, etc.). A baseball game consists of 9 players on each team (and a great grounds crew). And although, we saw an historic performance by Nikola Jokiƈ this year, he was quick to point out “it took whole team” to make the NBA Championship a reality.
If you truly think you did it all by yourself, think again. I’ve never met a “self-made” individual. I’ve met several who thought they were, but no one does it alone. Family, friends, coaches, antagonists, nay-sayers, teachers – there is always someone that helped make it happen – whatever it was. Whether you are a celebrity, sports star, or average Joe/Josie, someone helped get you where you are today.
We never know the difference we make in the lives of others. One word of encouragement, one extra minute to demonstrate a skill or hold the door, one moment of patience and understanding – our ability to help another human is ubiquitous. And, usually, it doesn’t cost a dime.
If you need help, just ask. If you have help to give, just do it. We are all just walking each other home!