I recently returned from a two-week mission trip to India. We flew approximately 8,500 miles to get to our initial destination, and then traveled hundreds of miles throughout the next 14 days to visit other cities. The Planes, Trains and Automobiles movie was frequently referenced. (So was the Dumb and Dumber movie but that’s a story for another day.) To say it was a once-in-a-lifetime trip understates the magnitude of the experience.
Prior to leaving, I made a list of things I was concerned about. I decided to think of the adventure as a pseudo social experiment to see what, if anything, actually came to fruition:
My first concern involved planning. I’m not used to having someone else make all the travel arrangements. Some might call it ‘control,’ I prefer ‘sage advice and helpful suggestions.’ At any rate, I quickly learned to appreciate just going wherever I was told. No decisions were necessary; all I had to do was follow the 6’5” group leader who was easy to spot in a crowd.
My next concern involved traveling with a group for 2 weeks. It felt daunting to think I would be spending 10-12 hours a day with people I hardly knew. I think our shared mission to enrich the lives of others was instrumental in keeping the group cohesive and focused. What I didn’t plan on was the Covid-type symptoms 8 of the 11 in our group experienced. The incessant coughing and sore throats helped us bond in a “special” way. Every morning meeting started with, “How do you feel? How did you sleep? Do you need cough drops, throat lozenges, Ibuprofen?”
I was also worried how my pup, Maggie, would do in my absence. I’m glad to say she was well-loved and cared for by my friend’s husband. He didn’t go on the trip so that his wife could. He stayed home to take care of their pup, and just added Maggie to the pack. While we were gone, he sent pics and updates on the regular. I don’t know who was happier to reunite, me or Maggie.
There was also concern about missing the Chiefs/Eagles game. I recorded it for viewing upon my return, but was unlucky enough to catch the final 4 minutes of the game when we landed in Dehli. (Or was it Chandigarh or Shimla?) I think I’ll just delete the recording without watching it; no sense in suffering twice.
Finally, I was determined not to be an EGR (Extra Grace Required). I guess you would have to ask my fellow travelers if I was successful. Our exhausting travels, illnesses, flight delays, etc., were challenging at times. When my patience and energy waned, I reminded myself of the mantra I set for the trip:
This is something I’ve always wanted to do. ✔️