Just Wondering

Each January 1st, I choose a word or phrase to live by for the next 365 days. In 2020, I rather fortuitously chose the words “slow down.” I felt like I was living my life too frazzled and wanted more time to relax and renew. Be careful what you wish for! Little did I know slowing down would become a national mandate. Don’t get me wrong, I want no credit for that debacle.

My word for 2021 is curious.

When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I’m going to get curious about the emotions that are surfacing. When I’m tasked with a new responsibility, I’m going to get curious about what I need to learn to be successful. When someone says or does something that confuses or offends, rather than judging, I’m going to get curious about their motive or intention.

I like the idea of becoming curious. My natural tendency is to ask “Why?” which can seem accusatory or confrontational. I think becoming curious allows for deeper understanding, greater knowledge, and a more gracious approach to life.

What’s your word?

One Comment on “Just Wondering”

  1. Denise,
    You always seem to know the right thing to say at just the right time. 🙂
    I too am going to try to become more curious in 2021…