Live An Examined Life
I must admit, I had no idea exactly what “Live an Examined Life” meant. As so often happens, I heard the phrase three different times, from three different sources, within a short span of time. I believe that’s a sign to pay attention, and not to ignore the Universe’s gentle nudge. I did not realize the effort would take so long, create more questions than answers, and result in some serious introspection. I don’t know that I ever discovered the true definition; it seems everyone has their own interpretation which makes perfect sense given the topic.
I started the process in my usual way looking up the definition of examine. Oxford says, “Inspect (someone or something) in detail to determine their nature or condition; investigate thoroughly.” That resulted in an honest, thought-provoking exploration of my past and present personhood. Next, I turned to Mr. Google. Boy did that open a panacea of options. There were witty sayings, proverbs, Pinterest posts, and tee-shirts adorned with Live an Examined Life. Still, none seemed to resonate with me. Eventually, I decided to create my own definition:
Live an Examined Life – the ability to be present in each moment; to practice kindness and gratitude toward self and others; do no harm; comfort the suffering; adopt an accepting, non-judgmental attitude toward self and others; recognize the fragility of life; be better; make the most of every day.
I realize my definition is a bit wordy and won’t fit on the tee-shirts I see at the mall. Neither is it likely to appear on a Pinterest board or a motivational poster. Nonetheless, it works for me. As someone who has more years behind them than in front of them, I want to spend the rest of my days examining my life through a wide-angle lens. I want the time left to matter and to know, somewhere down the road, I will hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”