Me First
I’m starting yet another new chapter this year. I’m beginning to feel like I’m the queen of re-inventing myself. Queen is probably an overstatement, let’s just say princess. At any rate, I’ve decided to retire from teaching. My motive for teaching was two-fold: I wanted to give back to the Social Work profession, and I wanted to do my part to make sure the next generation of social workers would be equipped with excellent skills. I was fortunate to have outstanding professors in grad school and I hope my students will look back fondly on our time together. Rest assured, I haven’t given up on the Semester at Sea opportunity, but that’s not an option until 2024. Who knows what I’ll be up to by then?!
This year, I’m focusing on Me First. No more putting myself on the back burner. I have a tendency to find way too many reasons to put everyone and everything else first and that needs to stop. By the end of the day, I’m too tired mentally and physically to do what’s best for me. I am struggling with feelings of selfishness but that needs to stop too. (Perhaps a blog for another day.) As my friend, Robin, reminds me, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Therefore, I am giving myself permission to fill my cup first before pouring into others. I’m confident there’s plenty to go around.
Here’s my plan:
Spend time in prayer/meditation each morning before I look at my phone or computer.
Exercise in the morning when I feel most energetic and before life gets in the way.
Journal in the evening when day is done to acknowledge gratitude.
That’s it. No grandiose resolutions, aspirations, or goals that often result in disappointment. I’ll keep you posted.