A few years ago, a friend and I took a road trip throughout Colorado. We went here, there, and everywhere. We saw the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Crested Butte, Summit Lake Park, and Mt. Evans, just to name a few of the many sites. I wouldn’t begin to guess how many pictures we took along the way.
Upon our return, my friend asked, “What do you do with your pictures?” To which I replied, “I just leave them on my phone.” To which she replied, “You should get a digital picture frame.” To which I replied, “You mean like the one I got for Christmas 2 years ago and never opened because I don’t know how to set it up?”
Long story short, after about 15 minutes at the most, she had my digital picture frame set up and loaded with pictures from my phone. I am so grateful for her encouragement. My digital picture frame is one of my most treasured possessions. Since our original download, I’ve added hundreds more. At last check, the frame has 518 photos downloaded. There are pictures of my kids, gbabes, family, friends, flowers, trees, and quotes. Some pics are of favorite people who are no longer with us, and some are of favorite people living life to the fullest. I have pics of special events and every day happenings. I keep the frame in my kitchen where I pass by it several times a day. I don’t think there’s a day when I don’t stop and smile at whatever random pic is being displayed.
My friend has given me lots of valuable advice over the years, but none more appreciated than the digital picture frame. IYKYK. If not, I highly recommend purchasing one at your earliest convenience. You will not be disappointed, I promise.