My To-Don’t List
I’m a list maker. If it needs to be done, it goes on the list. If I need to buy it at the grocery store, it goes on the list. Birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions I want to acknowledge go on the list. I love making lists and I especially cherish scratching items off the list when the task is complete.
This year, along with all my other To-Do lists, I’ve decided to make a To-Don’t list. I have a tendency to set unrealistic expectations for myself, although, the goals seemed perfectly reasonable at the time. I mean, doesn’t everyone want to lose 5 pounds by Friday, eat their body weight in protein every day, and read a book a week?
In an effort to keep evolving and becoming my best self, here’s my To-Don’t list:
Don’t procrastinate – do it and be done with it
Don’t multi-task – it’s bad for your brain
Don’t judge – enough said
Don’t be afraid to try new things – you may end up co-hosting a podcast
Don’t worry about money – strive for financial serenity not financial security (Is there really such a thing?)
Don’t do 50 bulgarian split squats – trust me
Don’t whine – ^^^^
Don’t quit until you’re finished – if it was easy everyone would do it
Don’t road rage – those crazy mother-truckers may have a gun
Don’t compare – everyone is tall, thin, successful and happy on Facebook
Don’t expect the Broncos to win the Super Bowl – yet
Don’t order Girl Scout cookies if you gave up sweets for Lent – happens every year
Don’t ignore the Check Engine light – ever
Don’t forget to be grateful.
What are you NOT doing this year?