Anyone else stuffed?
My son, Matthew, hosted our Thanksgiving dinner this year and it was wonderful. My daughter, Kate, and her family were there, along with my mother who was visiting from Missouri. It has been years since we were all together.
Along with my immediate family, there was a plethora of Matthew’s friends, many of whom do not have relatives in Colorado. His home is known as the Rocky Mountain House of Fitness, and he has an open-door policy 365 days a year. It is not unusual to find him hosting world-class Crossfitters, professional football players, and anyone else who loves fitness. If you want to do 1000 box jumps, run with a 40# weight vest, or lift a ton of weight (literally), the RMHF is the place for you.
Matthew’s tradition is to host a Thanksgiving Day workout before the dinner. On occasion, I’ve joined he and his friends; it’s humbling to say the least. Suffice it to say, I do what I can without serious injury or broken bones. (And, as many of you know, that’s saying something!)
However, once it came time to enjoy our holiday feast, I’m proud to say I was a worthy opponent. I love that these fitness fanatics eat like the rest of us humans (at least one day a year). Ginormous amounts of food were consumed without guilt or hesitation. There was no calorie/macro counting or weighing of portions. There was even an entire table dedicated to desserts. Life as it should be.
I’m so thankful my children are living their best lives. Kate has a super stressful job yet she makes time for exercise on the daily. She is setting such an impressive example for her sons. Matthew, enough said about his fitness devotion. I claim no credit for their dedication to healthy living, but I will say, they inspire me every day. And for that, I am thankful.