Snarky is hard to define but you know it when you hear it. It’s not an outright insult, but rather a sly, elusive comment that lets you know the snarker is being less than sincere. Snarking may come in many forms: a look, a snort, a word. Snarking leaves the recipient wondering about the genuineness of the snarker, and often results in questions like, “What the hell heck did that mean?”
Some people have snarking down to an art. They casually ply an innuendo at just the right moment, often feigning innocence when questioned. Others are more intentional with their snarks, making no effort to disguise their motive. Then there’s the secret snarker who is kind of like a silent fart, you’re not sure where it came from but you definitely know it’s there.
I will confess, I can snark with the best of em’. It’s not a trait I’m proud of, or would wish upon anyone. It can be a curse for your eyes to betray you. As I child, I was often cautioned, “Don’t look at me in that tone of voice.” What the heck does that mean? (Albeit, I knew darn well what it meant.) Using the word snarky is a softening of the more accurate terms such as demeaning, unkind, disrespectful, or the “B” word.
As far as I know, there’s no cure for snarkitis. I guess the best we can hope for is self-actualization. Again, what the hell heck does that even mean?