Right, Left, Center
I am not a political person. I know it’s important to understand the workings of government. (Is that an oxymoron?) I know there are political agendas that are crucial to the well-being of our country, and to other countries around the world. I know there are political issues that affect me personally. I know all that to be true, I just don’t engage in political debate. As David Brooks said, “Politics is a competition between partial truths,” and I’m smart enough to know, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” At this juncture in time, why anyone would want a career in politics is beyond me. May the best woman, or man, win!
There are people in my family who are passionate about politics. I appreciate their commitment to the cause. I have a friend who is retired after a distinguished career in the military. I don’t always agree with him, but I respect his perspective and hard-earned knowledge about political issues. I know people who have marched, picketed, and gone door-to-door campaigning. I admire those people, too. I may not always agree with their opinions, but I commend their dedication and willingness to advocate for their beliefs, and to do more than just complain or ignore social injustices.
A few weeks ago, my friend, Leora, visited. Leora is of Jewish descent, and in January she spent three weeks in Israel with her family. The timing was fortuitous. I disclosed my ignorance about the Middle East and asked her to explain the history, geography, and political issues involved. I was awed by her ability to explain all that, and more. (She even drew me a map!)
This week, I got a book from the library entitled, No Room for Small Dreams by Nobel Prize recipient Shimon Peres. My hope is that by reading about different cultures, political issues and parties, I will gain a greater understanding of the world. If you know of other books that will contribute to my enlightenment, I would appreciate your recommendations.
I know some might say, “It’s about time.” I prefer, “Better late than never.”