
I’ve been a runner for 30+ years. I still remember the thrill of running a mile without stopping. And then I ran three…five…thirteen, and 782 miles in 18 weeks training for a marathon.

Running has included breathtaking sunrises, a frozen field that looked like sparkling diamonds, a mare giving birth to a foal right before my eyes, and more majestic trees than I can count. I’ve fallen, sprained ankles, broken bones, and still never lost my love of running. I use running as an anti-depressant, an opportunity to solve the problems of the world, and solace. I’m a better mother, friend, and human when I run on a regular basis.

Recently, both my daughter and son have begun sharing their running accomplishments. They call me with their latest “splits” (aka running speak for ‘times’), and report their mileage increases and running victories. In fact, several of my nieces are runners, too. It must run in the family (pun intended).

Many people have commented, “I could never be a runner.” My response is always, “Sure you can. It’s just right foot, left foot and a little faster or a whole lot faster than walking.” Try it…you might like it!