S or S
I’m not sure when just picking up the phone and calling someone became socially unacceptable. The new norm seems to be an initial text asking if I have time to talk, then a follow-up text asking when it would be convenient to call…we could be halfway through our conversation by now! For the record, you are welcome to just pick up the phone and call me, no preemptive texts necessary. If I’m busy, I won’t answer. If you leave a message, I’ll return the call. Heck, I’ll probably return your call even if you don’t leave a message (as long as I recognize your number and you’re not calling to extend my non-existent car warranty).
And while we’re on the topic of conversations, have you ever noticed how often people call with questions or concerns? Listening with an open heart and mind is essential, but it may also be helpful to ask this simple question before imparting words of wisdom, “Do you want support or solutions?” More often than not, callers are seeking a sympathetic ear and reassurance rather than Dr. Phil.
Truth be told, we rarely, if ever, know what’s best for someone else. A friend who can listen without judgment and resist the urge to offer advice is truly a treasure. If you don’t have one, be one!