Sharing Is Caring
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! School’s out, sun’s out, bike riders and exercise enthusiasts are out en masse. There are also cars out…driven by distracted, hangry drivers who don’t always take into consideration they are in a 4000# automobile while you are on a bike that weighs 25#, or worse yet, on foot.
As you bike or run this summer, please remember this:
Drivers often speed,
Drivers often run red lights,
Drivers don’t always look both ways before turning,
Drivers don’t always slow down in crosswalks, (even if the crosswalk is marked with flashing lights and white stripes)
Drivers often roll through stop signs,
Drivers are often distracted by their cell phone, the sunlight, or their burger and fries.
The reason I know all this about drivers is I’ve been guilty of these offenses myself. I’m also a cyclist and runner who knows I need to be extra careful when I’m sharing the road. I don’t really think drivers believe their time is worth more than my life, but sometimes it kinda feels that way. I’ve learned that even if I have the right-of-way, it’s best to wait until a driver acknowledges me and motions for me to proceed. Better safe than sorry!
Let’s have a great summer of exploration and exercise. Let’s remember to be especially cautious at intersections, and don’t forget to thank the drivers that give us a wave with their whole hand and not just their middle finger.