So What
Last week’s blog had a typo in it. My initial reaction was one of humiliation and shame. I couldn’t believe I didn’t notice it after proofing it a gazillion times. Catholic guilt and my reputation as Sister Mary Punctuation may have contributed to my embarrassment.
Throughout this past week, I also noticed a typo in someone else’s blog, a typo in a book I was reading, and a typo in an article on the Internet. Rather than being comforted by these frequent occurrences, I wondered how those authors felt when they realized a typo had been immortalized for all to see.
When I wrote my dissertation, oh so many years ago, it was proofed by multiple people and a jury of my peers. My dissertation Chair read it, the members of my dissertation committee read it, and my trusted friend who was going through the program with me probably could have recited it. We were determined no typos would be found. Years later, I was reviewing the document as I looked for a quote I had included, and lo and behold, I found a typo.
After way too much time, angst, and deliberation, I have landed on “So what?” So, the blog had a typo. So, my dissertation wasn’t perfect. No one revoked my degree. No one mentioned the typo in the blog, and quite frankly, I’m pretty sure no one, but me, cares.
This is progress, people!