Stop-Doing List
Do you make “To-Do” lists? I’ve done so for years. I find scratching things off the list to be ridiculously satisfying. In fact, I will add an item I’ve already finished just to be able to scratch it off. It’s the little things that keep me sane(ish).
I usually start my list on Monday and just keep adding and deleting all week long. I’ve also been known to carry the list over to the next week if too many tasks remain. Let’s face it, sometimes life gets in the way. I no longer stress about not getting everything finished, but I also can’t give up on a task once it’s on the list. This summer, I finished a list I had kept for 2 years. Remember, I said “sane(ish).”
As the holidays approach, I would like to share something I heard this week that stopped me in my tracks, “Sometimes our Stop-Doing list needs to be bigger than our To-Do list.” I think Patti Digh is on to something. I’m sure you know what’s coming next.
My Stop-Doing list:
1.Stop spending so much time on social media
2.Stop being hesitant to ask for help
3.Stop procrastinating
4.Stop negative self-talk
And since it’s “No”vember, practice saying “no” to people, places, and things that exhaust you, and say “yes” to people, places, and things that bring joy to your life. I will definitely add that to the list.