I’m embarrassed to admit how many times I’ve watched the Netflix series Quarterback. So much inspiration and so many pearls of wisdom. Thankfully, this guilty pleasure got me to today…the first preseason NFL game.
In one of the episodes, Kirk Cousins recalls a conversation whereby someone told him, “It’s good to be uncomfortable.” That statement has stayed with me for weeks. And so, I spent a little time thinking about being uncomfortable this year.
I was uncomfortable accepting my friend, Robin’s, invitation to co-host The Problem With Perfect podcast. I am definitely a work in progress.
I finally got Covid which was positively uncomfortable. I had convinced myself I was some kind of medical miracle when years had gone by without contracting the dreaded plague. No such luck!
It was uncomfortable being at a funeral I never imagined I would attend. That said, it was nice to see old friends and to be there to support my kids and gbabes.
I watched the CrossFit Games last weekend and was incredibly uncomfortable watching the Adaptive athletes compete. It was not their disabilities that made me uncomfortable, rather, the fact that I have absolutely no excuse for not exercising on the daily. Those athletes are incredible.
I am fundraising and learning Hindi for an upcoming mission trip to India. Everything about that sentence is uncomfortable, yet I cannot wait.
I’m sure there are some uncomfortable moments yet to come but my track record, thus far, is encouraging. I hope you will take a few minutes to consider where, how, or why you’ve been uncomfortable this year, and how you succeeded despite that discomfort.
“Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and loved more than you know.” Winnie the Pooh