What does it cost to be kind? Our time, attention, common courtesy? Now more than ever, kindness seems to be one of the few things we can control AND it’s free. How great is that?!
We all have the same 24 hours. How we spend those precious moments is up to us. Sometimes, kindness is as simple as sending a text telling someone we are thinking of them. Other times, it may be a phone call to offer support. I recently received a ‘thank you’ card from a client and it made my day. Actually, I have it on my kitchen counter, and I smile every time I see it.
The gift of our undivided attention is another form of kindness. Multi-tasking seems to be taking over the world. Silencing our phones, making eye contact, and listening to understand, not respond are all ways to demonstrate kindness. The solitary act of being present with someone is invaluable.
Let’s not let common courtesy become a lost art in polite (or not so polite) society. Didn’t everyone learn to say please and thank you? How about holding the door for the person behind you? Saying excuse me when we walk in front of someone? Silencing our cell phones in public? Tipping generously? Being a good sport even when we lose the game? Such simple things that don’t cost a dime, yet they are priceless!
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi

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