Hard Things
I started 2024 doing hard things. They may not seem difficult to others, but for me, they brought a sense of satisfaction and pride. I like starting the new year with success.
I am not tech savvy. In fact, I will procrastinate and vacillate ad nauseam rather than tackle any project that involves technology. Despite the assurance from others that, “It’s no big deal,” I will avoid making technological changes until I am practically forced to do so, until last week.
I decided to cancel cable television and use an antenna to watch TV programs. Truth be told, other than CBS Sunday Morning and football, I rarely watch TV. The enjoyment of cable did not justify the monthly expense, so I decided to make a change.
The first thing I did was cancel cable. That, alone, was an accomplishment. Those people that work for cable companies are relentless. They offered reduced rates, more channels, and a partridge in a pear tree if I would continue my subscription. I am proud of myself for not succumbing to their enticements. I even disconnected all the cable apparatus and returned it that same day so I would not be tempted to accept their generous “one-time” offers.
Next, I installed (actually plugged in) the external antenna. As was predicted, it was ridiculously simple. I even programmed the channels correctly. The only problem that remains is the fact my PBS channel is in Spanish!
My final quest was to install Apple TV. What a nightmare. The equipment sent from Amazon was used. Unfortunately, the prior owner failed to erase ALL of his personal information including email, friend’s emails, login, and Internet password. If you know Fazel Aziz, you might want to let him know. Thus, I could not enter my personal information. To make matters worse, the Apple TV was a gift, and arrived without an order number. I spent hours (truly, hours) on the phone with Amazon trying to return the item. The fact that I remained patient and composed with the Amazon customer dis-service people deserves an award. There’s something about appearing in a TikTok video as an enraged maniac that discouraged me from expressing my true feelings. Thank you social media.
Once the new equipment arrived, it was a simple set-up, especially since I’d already practiced it a gazillion times trying to get the first Apple TV to work. All of that to watch The Morning Show and Ted Lasso. I kind of miss the replay and recording options available on cable, but not enough to revisit the wacky world of Direct TV. Saving money and being fiscally responsible is hard.