
I am a lover of words.

I have a file stuffed full of syllables strung together to create pearls of wisdom – quotes, words, poems, and proverbs that resonate with my soul. I often retrieve the file when I’m trying to find just the right message to convey my feelings. I’ve been collecting these pearls of wisdom for years; the file represents a half-century of my appreciation for the written word.

I’ve decided to share my special words with you; I’m hoping you will do the same. Words can be beautiful, elegant, precious – the first “mama” or “dada,” “I love you” from a partner, the text late at night that reads, “I miss you.” Can you feel your heart melting?

In reality, not all words are sugar and spice. There are words that strike terror in the heart of the receiver. Many words have multiple meanings and there are words that never come close to expressing our sentiments. Sometimes there is truth to the saying, ‘There are no words.’

Some words harden hearts and leave irreparable scars. Those who’ve been bullied, berated, or betrayed know exactly what I mean. Those words are rarely forgotten and often impossible to forgive. Can you feel your heart hurting?

My hope is that this blog will give us an opportunity to share our words and give voice to the importance of those words in our lives. And so, I will start…

Kindness and graciousness are words I do my best to live by. Although, technically, two words, I consider them one in the same. In the midst of a difficult discussion or situation, those words resonate in my head and heart. Even when someone is accusing or criticizing, I try to focus on kindness and graciousness. I want to leave the discussion with my head held high, knowing I remained true to myself. Don’t get me wrong, I think plenty of curt responses, but, over a lifetime, I’ve learned to curb my sarcasm and wicked wit, albeit a work in progress for sure.

What are your words?