Let It Be

I am a determined woman. Some might say ‘stubborn,’ but I prefer words like purposeful, tenacious, resolute. Anyone who spends 23 years in college has to be committed, and yes, I’m aware there are 2 definitions for the word committed, and both apply. Other than college Algebra, which I failed 4 times, my sheer determination has served me well over the years.

Although my tenacity has been steadfast, I’ve come to realize sometimes the wisest thing to do is let it be. Things work out, one way or the other, and my ability to influence a particular outcome is minimal, at best. Recently, life has given me several opportunities to let it be, all of which I resisted mightily.

I get medication from an online pharmacy because it’s less expensive. On Tuesday, I received a text letting me know the meds had been “delivered in or around my mailbox.” Seems vague, but oh well. However, no meds were found “in or around” my locked mailbox. I had a tracking number that I traced. The tracking info confirmed the meds had been “delivered in or around my mailbox.” Still no meds. I spoke with my mailperson who directed me to the post office where I waited…and waited…only to learn the tracking number shows the meds were…you guessed it. Finally, I called the online pharmacy to explain the problem. A lovely woman who answered the call encouraged me to, “Wait a bit; they almost always show up.” Mind you, this is heart medication I take on the daily, but nonetheless, I let it be. The meds arrived Saturday.

A few months ago, I bought a new sewing machine. The purchase was precipitated by a request from my gbabe to help him make a pair of pants. He had watched a YouTube video “and it looks really simple.” Out of the mouths of gbabes! The process wasn’t quite as simple as it looked (Is it ever?), but we were successful in making not 1 but 4 pairs of pants. He is now taking orders from friends.

Yesterday, I noticed the stitching on the sewing machine needed adjusting. I’m a pretty good seamstress and I know my way around a sewing machine. However, since this is a new, computerized machine, I read the manual from cover to cover, no help. I scanned the QR code and looked at the online tutorials, no help. I watched numerous YouTube videos. I took my sewing project, the manual, and my patience to the sewing store to ask for assistance, no help. Finally, I reluctantly decided to give it a rest and to let it be. This morning, I sat down in front of the machine to further contemplate the conundrum. And there it was, 12” directly in front of me, the dial that turns and adjusts the stitching. How is it none of those resources mentioned the dial? They must have thought it was too obvious to miss. Ha…fooled them!