Weather or Not

What a year this week has been. The cold weather has been record-setting. I am not a fan of -12 with a wind chill factor of -30. That kind of weather requires coats, and I don’t like to wear coats. That kind of weather makes running outside death defying; black ice is not a runner’s friend. That kind of weather makes me question my life choices. Why do I live in Colorado instead of somewhere by a beach? I could rage on but what’s the point?

If you couldn’t tell, this is my least favorite time of year. Football is almost over, and I struggle with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) in the winter. My positivity, motivation, and desire to socialize go missing and don’t return until April, sometimes May (June if we get snow in May).

This is the time of year when silence is golden. I’ve learned I’m more comfortable being silent than having to explain my negativity and less-than-sunny disposition. To be honest, being silent feels nurturing. I read, take walks in nature, listen to classical music, and breathe deeply. Soup helps, too.

I’ve been at this long enough to know this too shall pass. In the meantime, it’s me, not you. Hurry Spring!